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时间:2013-12-19 发布人:admin


Combiner of OEMU-JH8 electronic transformer
OEMU-JH8合并器是数字式光电电流金年会 金字招牌诚信至上的合并单元。本产品可以分为三种型号:A、66kV及以上光电型电子式互感器用合并器;B、35kV及以下电子式互感器用合并器;C、35kV及以下的电磁式互感器用合并器。合并器除了可以接收并处理来自多个采集器的数字信号外,还可以接收并处理电磁式互感器提供的电压、电流模拟量。合并器提供同步信号输入通道,可以接收电站同步信号以同步连接的各采集器。
OEMU-JH8 combiner is the incorporated unit of digital photoelectric current and voltage transformer. The product can be divided into three types:A、The combiner that is used in the photoelectric transformer and rated voltage above 66kV;B、The combiner that is used in the electronic transformer and rated voltage below 35kV;C、The combiner that is used in the electromagnetic transformer and rated voltage below 35kV.The combiner can not only receive and handle the digital signal from many collectors but also the analog variable of current and voltage provided by the electromagnetic transformer. The combiner provides the input channel of synchronous signal and receives the synchronous signal from the power station and all collectors that are connected synchronously.
The combiner can provide the direct protection function and measurement through the auxiliary CPU and expansion and provide data to monitoring and measuring device through the optical fiber and the Ethernet interface at the same time.

1、合并器是低压侧数据处理系统,并且为高压侧采集器提供能源。主要包括以下三种功能(The combiner is the processing system for the low-voltage data and provides energy source for the collector of the high-voltage side. It mainly includes the following three functions):
(a) 接收来自多达9路采集器的采样光信号,汇总之后按照IEC-61850规约以光信号形式对外提供采集数据(Receiving the sampling optical signal of collectors from 9 locations; Provide the colleted data to the external side in the form of optical signal according to regulation of IEC-61850 after the signal is aggregated.);
(b) 以光能量的形式,为采集器提供工作能源(Provide the working energy to the collector in the form of light energy.);
(c) 接收来自站级或继电保护装置的同步光信号,实现采集器间的采样同步功能(Receive the synchronous optical signal for the station level or the protective relaying device to realize the synchronous sampling function among collectors.);
2、合并器主要结构(Main structure of combiner)
The device consists of the following modules: power module (POWER),data processing module (CPU), mother board module (MOTHER),alternate current conversion module (AC), laser power module (LASER) and panel module (PANEL).
合并器主要用于接收采集器的数字信号以及来自电磁式互感器的模拟信号,对这些信号合并理后以光信号方式对外提供数据。本模件主要提供以下五种功能(The combiner is mainly used to receive the digital signal of the collectors and the analog signals from electromagnetic transformer and provides data in the form of optical signal after they are aggregated and treated. The module mainly provides the following five functions):
(a) 接收并处理多达9路的采集器模件传来的数据。合并器的A/D采样部分,可以采样交流变换模件输出的最大18路的模拟信号。(Receive and treat data sent by the collectors from more than 9 channels, the sampling part of A/D of combiner; sample and exchange and convert the analog signal output from maximum 18 channels by the modules.)
(b) 接收站端同步信号,同步各路A/D采样,并且将采集器的同步信号输出到激光电源模件。(Receive the synchronous signal of station terminal, make the A/D sampling from various channels synchronous and output the synchronous signal of collector to laser power module.)
(c) 接收站采集器的电源状态。(The status of power supply of collector at the receiving station.)
(d) 合并处理所采集的数据后,以3路符合IEEE802.3规定的100base-Fx或10Base-FL方式对外提供数据采集信号。(Aggregate and treat the collected data and provide the data acquisition signal to the external side with three channels in the form of 100base-Fx or 10Base-FL that are in line with the regulation of IEEE802.3.)
(e) 合并器还有备用CPU,安装相应保护模件后可扩展保护或测控等功能。(The combiner is equipped with CPU. It can expand the protection and measurement and supervision after the corresponding protective module is installed.)
四、外形及安装尺寸图(Outline drawing and dimensions of installation)


金年会金字招牌信誉至上股份有限公司始建于60年代,具有50多年的发展历史。专业从事互感器、隔离开关、绝缘件等系列产品的研发、制造、销售。2016年在全国中小企业股份转让系统(新三板)成功挂牌,股票代码:839746。 [更多]

