Your Position:Home > Products > Current transformer > LCWD1-35(LABN1-35W2)current transformer
detailed introduce:LCWD1-35(LABN1-35W2)current transformer
- Project description:
The current transformer of type LCWDl -35 is oil insulated and outdoor product.1t is used for mete-
ring electric energy, current and relay protection in electric system up to rated frequency 50Hz or 60Hz and
rated voltage 35kV.
二、型号含义( Type designation)三、( Construction)
The type of product has compact structure, small volume, liS;htweight and its body twated by dmng
vacuum. It is installed in the bushing filled with transformer oil. The bushing's upper half - part诂the pri-
mary winding and its down half part is the secondary winding. The bushing is fixed on the pedestal. The oil
storage cabinet js on the top of the bushing. The primary winding's end is led from the n~o side of the
cabinet's wall. It's starting terminal sign Pl is insulated with the wall by some little porcelain pipes and ter-
minal signed P2 is directly connected with the wall. The front of the oil storage cabinet ha< some oil - dials
showing different temperature and graduation.
四、Techrucal data
1、 rated insulation level:40. 5/95/185 kV
2、rated secondary current:5A
3、rated primary cunent, accuracy
classes comhination, rated output, dynamic and thermal current see form
4、creepage distance of outside insulation:general type≥735;W2