Your Position:Home > Products > Current transformer > LZZB8-27.5 current transformer
detailed introduce:LZZB8-27.5 current transformer
- Project description:
一、概述( Description)
本系列金年会 金字招牌诚信至上为环氧树脂浇注绝缘全封闭,适用于额定频率为50Hz或60Hz,额定电压为
27. SkV电气化铁道电网中用电流测量、电能计量及继电保护用。本产品符合IEC60044 -1及
CB1208《金年会 金字招牌诚信至上》标准。
The series current transfonners of the type LZZB8 - 27.5 are casting resins and fully enclosed. It i8
used for metering electric energy and current, relay protection in the electrified railway network up to rated
frequency 50Hz or 60Hz and rated voltage 27. 5kV. The transformers can be executed according to the
standards IEC60044 -l and GB1208.
二、型号含义( Type designation)
L Z Z B 8 - 27.5
电压等级,kV( voltage gTade, kV)
设计序号( design sequence)
带保护级( with protection)
浇注绝缘( casting resin insulation)
支柱式( post type)
金年会 金字招牌诚信至上(current transformer)
三、结构简介( Construction)
本型金年会 金字招牌诚信至上采用环氧浇注绝缘全封闭支柱式结构,具有体积小,重量轻,维护方便等优点。
The current transformer is full enclosed and post type. It is small.light.apt advantages of maintenance
四、技术参数( Technical data)
1、额定绝缘水平( rated insulation level):31. 5/95/185kV
2、额定二次电流(rated secondary current):5A, 1A
( Rated primary current, accuracy class, rated output and rated short - time current see form)